Tuesday, August 11, 2009

Sorry I have been really busy...

I will tell you all what has been going on. First thing I want to let you know. I have seen a bear. Not the one that my uncle was getting really mad at. There is a new one in the campsite. I saw that one ripping apart the garbage trailor. Crazy huh? My aunt and uncle are out of town until tomorrow, so I am getting a lot of 'bonding time' with my cousin. It is absolutely gorgeous outside today. I am kind of excited to be in the air conditioning, because it is hotter than hot out there. But it is a really nice day and I wish I could be in the sun. Oh well, when I get off I will be able to soak up some rays while watering the flowers, and cleaning the fish house. I went to the garbage dump on Sunday, with my cousin. That was fun. You would think that it was the dumps... haha... but I had fun throwing garbage in to a pit. Yes I am very strange. The store has been doing very well. I am selling lots of stuff. I am learning a lot of new things, and relearning some old things. Can you believe that I will be going home soon? Then I jump right back in to the city life. Hmm... I wonder how that is going to work. Though we only get one radio station out here, I am really glad that it is classic rock. Imagine if it was blue grass, or some such? That would be terrible! :) Just kidding! I am going to miss it up here when I get home. It is GORGEOUS! I will put up some more pictures later, I have to take them first but I want you all to know that I am having a ton of fun, making new friends, and never forgetting the old ones.

Wednesday, July 29, 2009


I totally just watched an awesome movie. Maybe you have heard of the phonebooth? It is fantastic. Anyways... tonight my uncle is going to shoot the bear, and no I haven't been able to see it yet. Hopefully I will see it tonight though... I was in the store today. It did very well, and I am heading full speed ahead for our goal for sales by Sunday night. After the store I did garbage with my uncle Tom. It was pretty fun, except for the fact that at the second barrel I cut my knee on a glass bottle. I am just fine though... tis but a scratch. I didn't expect this job to be easy! I am having a ton of fun. My cousin went to WI the day after I came back, and he should be back by Monday. It is hard to believe that I have been here a week already. It seems like I just got here. Though I do miss all of my friends, I am having a ton of fun with some of my new canadian friends. Love you all so much! Take care!

Sunday, July 26, 2009

I am off on a Bear hunt...

Bears... great big scary creatures that rip apart trash bags. I am the lucky winner who gets to sit in the truck with my aunt and uncle waiting to scare the bear away with bright lights. On friday the bear was apparently in front of my aunt and uncle's cabin... on the deck. Their cabin is really close to mine so that is pretty big stuff. I am really excited... about seeing the bear, not about chilling in the truck. But all is well. I went to the dump to help my aunt and uncle throw garbage in to a giant pit... It was not a glamorous job but somebody has to do it. I worked in the store today. It was a little slow, but I got through it without a problem. All in all I am having a great time up here. And I just found a way to post picture. Today is a good day. :)

Saturday, July 4, 2009

FIREWORKS... duuuude...and Kids Day

Alright, I just got done watching some totally awesome fireworks that my cousin bought. I will be posting videos and pictures later... like tomorrow. I am coming home on Monday so probably no new blog entries for awhile. Kid's Day was today. I was in charge of the Sand Art table, with Sara and my aunt. It was really fun helping the little kids pour sand in to bottles. I had a great time, but I was very tired at the end... It was a long day, filled to the brim with fun activities. It was great. I got to take a nap, after chatting with some new found friends. Altogether it was a really nice day. I had fun but I am excited to come home too. See as many of you as I can when I get home...

Friday, July 3, 2009


I had a great day today. First I got to clean both the men and women's bathrooms, not so fun but someone had to do it. Then I got to stain picnic tables. I thought that this was really fun because I got to listen to the radio and be outside in the finally nice weather. Then because I stained picnic tables which are not hard to stain but also very easy to get stain on oneself... I had to wash my skin with non-toxic paint thinner. Honestly I wish some one had taken a picture. I looked like I had contracted some rare disease that left brown spots every where on my body. Then I got to work in the store. AND I GOT PAID. good stuff... Anyways... After I worked in the store, I got to help my aunt make rice crispie balls. If you don't know what those are I feel sorry for you and I promise that if you ask I will make some for you... they are delicious. My aunt got called off to some official resort business... and I ended up making a whole batch of them myself. They are pretty awesome. By the way the reason that I was making these treats is because we are having a Kid's Day tomorrow, celebrating both Canada day and the Fourth of July. I think that it will be really fun. I am coming home on Monday... so I will not be writing for awhile, because I am going to a mission trip in New Orleans. Thanks for following my blog... TTYL!!!

Wednesday, July 1, 2009

Happy Canada Day!!!

It was Canada day today. Everyone was celebrating and very happy... The entire camp was sporting their Canadian flags and such. I thought that it was very cool. I miss home but I am having a ton of fun here, and I really am looking forward to the next couple of weeks. Working hard can be fun. I found that out today while I sang to myself while mowing the lawn... Heehee... I must have sounded so kooky... TTFN I'll talk to you later!

Thursday, June 18, 2009

Dirty... Jobs

Well today I did a number of things... first of all I got up and had to clean a couple of... wait no before that at like ten I had to make out fishing licenses, five of them... I was writing for an hour... and the store was hot because of the halogens... needless to say it was very humid, both inside and out. Then I started clean a couple of cabins, so Uncle Tom and I went and stripped the beds and stuff and guess what I found in one of the beds. Dirty Socks. Disgusting. Well I finished stripping beds, and there were no more dirty socks... thank goodness. I know that you think that dirty socks are not that bad... but have you ever had stiff socks? Like they were sweaty then they dried. That's the kind of socks I found in the bed. Gross. Lets see... after the cabins, I mowed the lawn some more...then came the really bad stuff. My aunt and uncle are going to the border tomorrow, so they won't be around to help. My uncle usually does things like make out fishing licenses and packaging bait, but he won't be there. So guess what I had to learn how to do... package bait, more specifically leeches and night crawlers. So I am telling you that the leeches were not that bad. I didn't have to touch them. I just scoop them out of a big bucket and put them on a scale and make sure that there is a half a pound of leeches then put all of them in to a bucket and mark it. Not a problem... unless you drop one... ha ha so not funny. I think the 'worst part' of packaging bait was the worms. No scoop... but there was no water either... so that was good. But I am telling you that I had to dig in a giant box of dirt and find worms, pick out twelve and then put them in a container. I have to work on my fear of worms... It took me ten minutes just to convince my self to pick one up... there was a worm right on the top... i feel like an idiot. The funny thing about it was when my uncle came in and laughed at me... that was so not cool. But on the upside today... well i guess the upside for Uncle Tom and Aunt Tami... I cleaned the fish house twice by myself. So there. I didn't complain either... :)

They both think I am a city girl, but they were both surprised that I wasn't as big of a city girl as they thought I was. It just goes to show you that you can't judge a book by its cover, or what people say about it.It was pretty humid and cloudy today... and then it rained. We had pizza for the second time in a row tonight... so much for eating like kings. Like I said before I am in charge of the store until my aunt and uncle get back from the border, at one o'clock. Hopefully I will be pretty busy... I am getting a really nice farmer's tan.. its great... my aunt wants to go tanning sometime... maybe I'll give it a try. Well I guess that is all for today. I miss you all so much!